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About Us

Alleviating poverty is a big order but it is possible if we work toward what was originally intended for life on this earth. No one action or idea will accomplish this. It requires an integrated approach that mimics nature as it was created. We begin the process with looking at the most basic needs of the poor and developing ways in which these needs may be met using the resources that already exist within a particular community and environment. The four most basic needs are food security, proper nutrition, disease prevention, and income generation. When these are met, the foundation is laid for productivity and abundance.

Who We Are

Carl and Kathy Thompson have been involved in training and equipping for over thirty years. Their experience in cross-cultural work and the ever-changing technologies and techniques, and visionary thinking have been able to alter lives and communities in many parts of the world.

Our Team

Our growing team of international, well-trained, visionary, culturally sensitive people are working worldwide to bring solid, sustainable change.

Using the best forms of technology that are appropriate for the given location and economic environment is key for short and long-term change. Making the most of the human potential of any community is the most important factor for overall success.

Environment & Sustainability

Sustainability is dependent on many factors in any area of the world and is the most important element for real change. Realizing the potential in any environment must be based on forward thinking and an understanding that creation has tremendous potential for regeneration. Preserving and restoring the environment to bring forth this potential must be at the forefront of our thinking.

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